Wizards are tools that facilitate, automate and speed up the work of the designer in the management, creation or analysis of a CAD project. With automatic design you can also reduce the time spent on design by up to 90%.
Tool main features:
- automation of repetitive tasks;
- validation of input data;
- automatic generation of CAD models and product documents.
We present you a wizard recently developed to automate the pipes assembly. The tool is able to communicate with Windchill, for the management and retrieve the models to be assembled. With this tool, the designer can quickly obtain the configuration of a pipes structure, according to his own design needs. The work of the designer is reduced only to the search for the Model Code and the selection of Assembly References, all repetitive operations are carried out by the tool.
How it works:
1. Connect the tool to Creo / Windchill
2. The designer chooses from a drop-down menu the family table codes, that he wants to assemble. The tool is linked to an database that contains all CAD models codes, that are in PLM.
3. The tool allows you to rotate, by a dialog box, the last assembled component or delete it
4. Drawing (BOM) and pdf report
5. Upload and Check-in
Watch the wizard at work!
Watch the video on our youtube channel, with italian subtitles
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